Tammy Wynn

Mark Twain once said: “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” I never dreamed that my purpose in life would be to make a difference in the way pet parents around the world would say goodbye to their beloved furry family members. But, that is exactly what was placed in my heart following two important losses. I didn’t have human children and for 18 and 20 years respectively, my cats Cagney and Lacey were my kids. My life revolved around them and when Cagney began to fail, I found myself shaken to the core as I faced my first real loss. It wasn’t until a year later when my father passed away with bladder cancer, that I experienced real support through loss with the help of hospice. It was immediately and divinely placed in my heart to invent “pet hospice” and I set about creating the first complete end of life service offering in home pet hospice, including in home euthanasia, private cremation, free pet loss support groups and one to one grief counseling. Angel’s Paws has now helped thousands of pets and the people who love them have a real opportunity to embrace the journey and discover the beautiful meaning attached to the unique bond with a beloved pet. Joel and Kurt were two of those special souls we were honored to help and as it turned out, Joel and Kurt had even more work to do after Kurt went to Heaven. This book is just one of the beautiful byproducts of their relationship. The story in this book centers around my dog Sookie and is further reassurance that our relationship also did not end when she transitioned to Heaven. I hope this book helps you find peace in your heart and gives you a language to share the beauty of the circle of life with the children in your life.


Joel Altman

Throughout my life I have lost many pets who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. When Kurt, my first police K-9 partner, passed away and gained his wings in 2018, I was devastated and heartbroken. Kurt had been my partner and friend for 12 years. For many years, Kurt and I worked together every day and I spent more time with him than I did with the rest of my family. He was a big part of my life and was the best friend, guide and protector I could have ever asked for. While difficult at first, I now laugh about Kurt when I think of all the amazing experiences we shared together and exciting adventures we had. Kurt had his own stubborn personality and did a lot of funny things throughout his time with us. Kurt had a wonderful career and after retiring from service, he had many wonderful years of enjoying his retirement. Angel’s Paws helped Kurt in his final days and helped my family and I cope with his loss after he was gone. I am thankful for Angel’s Paws and I am honored to help those who are coping with the loss of a pet. I hope that this book helps those dealing with the loss of a pet cope in some small way. We are all awaited by our family and friends on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge…